General info on RAKE Projects​
On October 2nd, 2021, hundreds will gather in teams to maintain and refresh the community we enjoy. Projects will include things like highway clean-up, park maintenance, school revitalization and trail restoration. Each year we collaborate with city and county officials to find local projects that need work. Some will be picking up trash, others painting, and still others weed-eating or raking. We can accomplish so much when we work together.
Each project will be conducted at a specific location in the community and will be spearheaded by a Team Leader. All you have to do is come with a willing heart and be ready to work at a pace that fits you.
If you would like to sign up and work with a particular group of people, choose a Team Leader. Team Leader instructions are listed below. When your group members register they need to fill in the Team Leader's name when prompted to do so. This will assure you get place on the same team. Some smaller teams may be combined to form larger teams working in one location.
The day of the event you will meet your team at your assigned project location at 9:00am. This information will be communicated to you via e-mail in the days leading up to the event.
Please note, all children under the age of 13 must be accompanied by an adult. Some projects, like roadside clean-up, may not be appropriate for small children. Children will not be assigned to projects that may be unsafe for them.
Previous RAKE Projects​
Roadside trash clean-up
Memorial Park maintenance
De Mautino Park maintenance
Condon Park maintenance
Pioneer Park maintenance
Western Gateway Park maintenance
School landscape maintenance
Kidder Cemetery maintenance
Loading and delivering firewood to seniors
Personal projects helping local elderly
Trail maintenance
Team Leader Instructions​
As a RAKE Team Leader, your responsibilities are relatively minimal, yet invaluable to the success of the event. The following is a check-list of the activity involved in your commitment as a RAKE Team Leader.
Commit to becoming a Team Leader
Provide Anew Day with your contact information (Will remain confidential).
From a pre-determined list of available projects, choose the project that you would like to spearhead (Remember, the sooner you select your project, the more likely you’ll get your first choice!)
Recruit your colleagues, friends, family, neighbors and anyone else you think might be interested in participating in this collaborative community event. Encourage them to register online. We will attempt to modify your selected project to accommodate the size of your group. Other registered participants may be added to your project group if needed.
On October 2 at 8:30 am, arrive at Anew Day, 117 New Mohawk Rd. Nevada City, CA to retrieve your Project Manager ‘Kit’, which includes supplies, needed waivers and water.
Meet your group of participants at the designated project location (maps provided for all participants online).
Explain your assigned project and hand out supplies. Also collect any needed waivers and remind everyone to keep hydrated!
Take photos of participants as they work and be sure to take a group photo.
At noon, upon completion of the project, collect all re-usable or unused supplies and reiterate our gratitude for your teams participation.
Bring all garbage bags and debris back to Anew Day and drop off next to the garbage dumpster located near the entrance of the underground parking.
Return Project manager kits to Anew Day.
Enjoy the rest of your day!