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Grasping for Lifelines & Finding Solid Ground

Anew Day Administration

Growing up, life was relatively simple for me. My family and I lived in a quiet neighborhood. We had a table to eat at, beds to sleep in, friends to play with, schools to teach us. It was mostly great. Nothing is perfect, of course, my family had its share of challenges, as we all do, and I managed them with the skills I had available to me in my youth.

As I grew older and life changed, things got a lot less simple. I found myself having to navigate some difficulties that I hadn’t been prepared for; difficulties like my parents’ divorce, poverty, loss, loneliness, depression, and even suicidal thoughts. Many of the things I had relied on for support were not the solid ground I had once considered them to be. Without knowing how to cope with such adversity on my own, I was sent into a spiral, grasping for lifelines. Today I thank God constantly for having provided unexpected lifelines to me through the likes of pastors, mentors, and counselors at Anew Day.

In my time of need, Anew Day provided ongoing counseling at no cost to me. Through my counselor, I received a listening ear and a helpful guide through some of the most difficult things I’ve ever experienced. We worked through all sorts of things, and today I still use the skills I gained and benefit from the time that we spent in those sessions.

Looking back, I can see that Anew Day provided some of the help that I sorely needed, help I’m so glad I received. I am truly grateful for the support I was given in some of my darkest moments and for the invaluable life and relationship tools I developed at Anew Day.

I am also grateful that Anew Day operates in such a way that I am able to serve others in the same way I was served. Today, I am now part of Anew Day’s Lay Counseling Division. I get to walk through difficult things with others, be a listening ear and a compassionate heart to people who are just like me.

In both experiences, my time here has been that of incredible worth. For those in need of counsel, I cannot more strongly recommend Anew Day. For those seeking opportunity to serve hurting people, I cannot recommend Anew Day more strongly. I am glad this ministry exists. I expectantly praise God for the many years of faithful ministry to come.

Jake Freeman

Lay Counselor

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